特別把標題寫成中文, 免得被大家有條件地忽視 :-)
Charles Darwin was born on Feb 12th, 1809---and this year marks the 200th anniversary of his birth. Additonally, this year marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species.
~~達爾文200歲生日, 物種原始發表150年紀念~~
2008年8月28日 星期四
2008年8月13日 星期三
Likert-type scale
Each of the statements below expresses a feeling toward biology. Please rate each statement on the extent to which you agree. For each, you may:
A strongly agree
B agree
C be undecided
D disagree
E strongly disagree
1. Biology is very interesting to me.
2. I don’t like biology, and it scares me to have to take it.
3. I am always under a terrible strain in a biology class.
4. Biology is fascinating and fun.
5. Biology makes me feel secure, and at the same time is stimulating.
6. Biology makes me feel uncomfortable, restless, irritable, and impatient.
7. In general, I have a good feeling toward biology.
8. When I hear the world “biology,” I have a feeling of dislike.
9. I approach biology with a feeling of hesitation.
10. I really like biology.
11. I have always enjoyed studying biology in school.
12. It makes me nervous to even think about doing a biology experiment.
13. I feel at ease in biology and like it very much.
14. I feel a definite positive reaction to biology; it’s enjoyable.Semantic differential scale
Below are some scales on which we would like you to rate your feelings toward biology. On each scale, you can rate your feelings toward biology as an A, B, C, D, or E. There are no correct answers. Also, some of the scales seem to make more sense than others. Don’t worry about it. Just rate your feelings toward biology on these scales as best you can. Please don’t leave any scales blank.
Good A B C D E Bad
Clean A B C D E Dirty
Worthless A B C D E Valuable
Cruel A B C D E Kind
Pleasant A B C D E Unpleasant
Sad A B C D E Happy
Nice A B C D E Awful
Fair A B C D E Unfair
Reprinted with permission from the National Association of Biology Teachers. Instrument appears in Russell and Hollander (1975).
Likert-type scale
Each of the statements below expresses a feeling toward biology. Please rate each statement on the extent to which you agree. For each, you may:
A strongly agree
B agree
C be undecided
D disagree
E strongly disagree
1. Biology is very interesting to me.
2. I don’t like biology, and it scares me to have to take it.
3. I am always under a terrible strain in a biology class.
4. Biology is fascinating and fun.
5. Biology makes me feel secure, and at the same time is stimulating.
6. Biology makes me feel uncomfortable, restless, irritable, and impatient.
7. In general, I have a good feeling toward biology.
8. When I hear the world “biology,” I have a feeling of dislike.
9. I approach biology with a feeling of hesitation.
10. I really like biology.
11. I have always enjoyed studying biology in school.
12. It makes me nervous to even think about doing a biology experiment.
13. I feel at ease in biology and like it very much.
14. I feel a definite positive reaction to biology; it’s enjoyable.Semantic differential scale
Below are some scales on which we would like you to rate your feelings toward biology. On each scale, you can rate your feelings toward biology as an A, B, C, D, or E. There are no correct answers. Also, some of the scales seem to make more sense than others. Don’t worry about it. Just rate your feelings toward biology on these scales as best you can. Please don’t leave any scales blank.
Good A B C D E Bad
Clean A B C D E Dirty
Worthless A B C D E Valuable
Cruel A B C D E Kind
Pleasant A B C D E Unpleasant
Sad A B C D E Happy
Nice A B C D E Awful
Fair A B C D E Unfair
Reprinted with permission from the National Association of Biology Teachers. Instrument appears in Russell and Hollander (1975).
2008年8月10日 星期日
台灣人很客氣, 總是想著別人.
這讓這地方很溫馨, 但是如果是選研究題目, 就有點ㄦ辛苦加危險了.
總是要研究生挑自己喜歡做的研究題目來做為論文題目, 因為要陪著過漫漫長日, 如果不是喜歡的題目, 會做得很痛苦, 或者是做不下去.
但是, 研究生常常會揣度指導教授的意思來選"應該"選的題目. 結果調呀調的, 變得好像是在為別人做論文, 做得很痛苦, 不知道如何做下去, 還覺得為了成就指導教授的想法, 所以要努力撐著.
學位論文是研究生自己的, 不管聽了多少別人(包括指導教授)的意見, 以後, 妳/你的小孩還是會說: "爸爸(媽媽), 這是你(妳)的論文耶", 應該不會說"這是你(妳)和你(妳)指導教授的論文耶".
這讓這地方很溫馨, 但是如果是選研究題目, 就有點ㄦ辛苦加危險了.
總是要研究生挑自己喜歡做的研究題目來做為論文題目, 因為要陪著過漫漫長日, 如果不是喜歡的題目, 會做得很痛苦, 或者是做不下去.
但是, 研究生常常會揣度指導教授的意思來選"應該"選的題目. 結果調呀調的, 變得好像是在為別人做論文, 做得很痛苦, 不知道如何做下去, 還覺得為了成就指導教授的想法, 所以要努力撐著.
學位論文是研究生自己的, 不管聽了多少別人(包括指導教授)的意見, 以後, 妳/你的小孩還是會說: "爸爸(媽媽), 這是你(妳)的論文耶", 應該不會說"這是你(妳)和你(妳)指導教授的論文耶".
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